When the human beings were conceptualized – GOD said “Let there be light, let there be darkness – an then air, water, and fire – so that the new creation could sustain & evolve –

BUT then let there be 4 types of human beings –

Maintainers – Those who are flowing with the tide & are bound by sunrise & sunset

Distorters – Who are like uncontrolled fire & who challenge the truth & the good

Moderators – Who do the balancing act between the good & the bad. They are

the peacemakers.

Shapers – This group shape the destiny for themselves & others.

They challenge creativity & architecture.”

This post is about Shapers – This is about Einstein, Shakespeare, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Henry Ford, Edison……..and about a king who invaded his enemy by crossing a mighty river and then he did the unthinkable –

He burnt all his Boats & all the Bridges. His soldiers thought that their leader had either gone insane or has decided to go for the truce…But neither was true…On the other hand, their leader had just experienced the GREAT AWAKENING.

The day of the battle had come & the army was restless and then their leader was there in front of them – Calm, determined, and strong – He had this to say this to his army.

“Today, for the first time, I feel that i have really saved your lives even before the battle has begun. I have made you 1000 times more strong”

This statement made his followers even more confused and the King could sense the restlessness. He continued – “I have taken away all the options of retreat – all the options of defeat.

The only option is VICTORY. We are staying here until the war is won – until the boats are rebuilt – and until the bridges have been constructed from the enemy’s money & resources”

That is a great lesson in disguise.


The lesser the options, the more focused we are, the more challenges we are going to face, and after all of it – the taste of success will be much sweeter.

The option is ours – To be Moderator, Maintainer, or The Shaper.

Good luck & Cheers!!